Avoid Hyphens and Numbers.

domain eggs Avoid Hyphens and Numbers

Avoid Hyphens and Numbers

Crafting User-Friendly Domain Names

Choosing the right domain name is a pivotal decision in establishing your online presence. Your domain name is your digital identity, and it plays a significant role in shaping your brand’s perception. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of avoiding hyphens and numbers in your domain name and how this simple choice can impact your website’s user-friendliness and success.

The Drawbacks of Hyphens


Hyphens add complexity to your domain name, making it harder to remember and type accurately.


When spoken aloud, hyphens can be misinterpreted as the word “dash” or left out altogether, leading users to the wrong website.

Less Professional

Hyphens can make a domain name appear less professional and established.

The Pitfalls of Numbers


Numbers in domain names can cause confusion. Users may wonder if they should type the numerical digit or its spelled-out equivalent.

Memory Challenge

Numbers are less memorable than words. A domain name with numbers is less likely to stick in users’ minds.


Finding a domain name with numbers that’s both relevant and available can be challenging due to the limited combinations.

Strategies for a User-Friendly Domain Name


Keep your domain name simple and easy to remember. Choose words that are straightforward and uncomplicated.


Opt for a domain name that clearly reflects your brand or the purpose of your website.

Avoid Special Characters

In addition to hyphens and numbers, avoid special characters or symbols that can lead to confusion.

Domain Extension

Select a trusted domain extension like .com, as it’s the most widely recognized and preferred by users.

Check Availability

Before finalising your domain name, ensure it’s available for registration. Domain registrars provide search tools for this purpose.


Your domain name is your online address, and it should be user-friendly, memorable, and reflective of your brand. By avoiding hyphens and numbers in your domain name, you simplify the user experience and increase the likelihood of users finding and returning to your website. Keep it clear, keep it simple, and your domain name will be a valuable asset in your online journey.

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