Personalised Email Addresses.

Personalised Email Addresses.

A Professional Touch for Your Brand

In the digital age, email remains a cornerstone of communication for businesses and professionals alike. But have you ever considered how your email address impacts your brand’s credibility and professionalism? Personalised email addresses, like “[email protected],” not only convey professionalism but also strengthen your brand’s identity. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of setting up personalised email addresses and how to do it effectively.

The Significance of Personalised Email Addresses


A personalised email address adds a level of professionalism to your communication. It shows that you’re invested in your brand and dedicated to maintaining a professional image.

Brand Identity

Using your own domain in your email address reinforces your brand’s identity. It’s a subtle but effective way to remind recipients of your brand with every email you send.


Personalised email addresses are more trusted by recipients. They signal that you’re serious about your business and are less likely to engage in spammy or fraudulent activities.

How to Set Up Personalised Email Addresses

Choose a Domain

If you don’t already have a domain, select one that represents your brand. Consider using your brand name or a variation of it.

Select an Email Hosting Provider

Choose a reputable email hosting provider that offers domain-based email services. Domain Eggs, for example, provides robust email hosting solutions.

Create Email Accounts

Set up individual email accounts for team members or departments within your organisation. This ensures consistency in branding.

Configure Email Clients

Configure your email client (e.g., Outlook, Gmail) to send and receive emails using your personalised email addresses.

Use Email Signatures

Create professional email signatures that include your name, title, and contact information. This reinforces your brand identity and provides recipients with essential details.

Security Measures

Implement security measures to protect your email accounts from unauthorised access. Use strong passwords and consider multi-factor authentication.

Regularly Update

Ensure that you regularly update and maintain your email accounts. Remove inactive accounts and update contact information as needed.


Personalised email addresses are not just a technical detail; they’re a vital component of your brand’s identity and professionalism. By investing in domain-based email addresses and following best practices, you can strengthen your brand’s image, enhance credibility, and build trust with your audience. So, take the step towards professionalism and set up personalised email addresses for your brand today.

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