Email Marketing by domain eggs

Domain Eggs Email Marketing Solutions for Every Business

Welcome to Domain Eggs, your partner in email marketing. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, our email marketing plans cater to all your needs. Dive into the world of email marketing and see how Domain Eggs can help you reach and engage your audience effectively.

Email Marketing Pro For Savvy Marketers with Growing Lists

Why Choose Email Marketing Pro?

Up to 5,000 Contacts

Reach out to a substantial audience and grow your mailing list with ease.

Add More Contacts Anytime

Your audience is constantly evolving. Our plan lets you scale effortlessly.

Send up to 50,000 Emails/Month

Stay connected with your audience through regular email campaigns.

Unlimited Signup Forms

Capture leads efficiently with unlimited signup forms.

Unlimited Image Storage

Store and access your email marketing assets hassle free.

Unsubscribe Handling

Manage unsubscribes seamlessly to maintain a clean mailing list.

Works with Facebook, Etsy & More

Integrate your email marketing efforts with popular platforms.

Automated Welcome Email

Greet new subscribers with automated welcome emails.

Converts Blog Posts to Email

Easily repurpose blog content into engaging emails.

Unsubscribe Options

Offer subscribers options for personalised email preferences.

Hot Leads List

Identify and prioritise hot leads for targeted campaigns.

Auto-sends Event Emails

Send event-related emails automatically.

Automated Email Campaigns

Streamline your marketing efforts with automated campaigns.

Record Signup IPs

Keep track of subscriber IP addresses for added security.

Share Statistics w/Others

Collaborate effectively by sharing email campaign statistics.

Reasons to Choose Email Marketing Pro


Ideal for businesses with growing mailing lists.

Comprehensive Features

Access a wide range of features for effective email marketing.


Save time with automated emails and campaigns.

Email Marketing Pro

For savvy marketers with growing mailing lists.

  • Up to 5,000 Contacts
  • Add more anytime
  • Send up to 50,000 Emails/Month
  • Unlimited Signup Forms
  • Unlimited Image Storage
  • Unsubscribe Handling
  • Works with Facebook, Etsy & More
  • Automated Welcome Email
  • Converts Blog Posts to Email
  • Unsubscribe Options
  • Hot Leads List
  • Auto-sends Event Emails
  • Automated Email Campaigns
  • Record Signup IPs
  • Share Statistics w/Others
€74.99 / per month
domain eggs Email Marketing Pro

Email Marketing Up and Running Already Have Clients? This Plan’s for You

Why Opt for Email Marketing Up and Running?

Up to 2,500 Contacts

Reach out to your existing clients and prospects.

Add More Contacts Anytime

Keep expanding your reach as your business grows.

Send up to 25,000 Emails/Month

Maintain regular communication with your audience.

Unlimited Signup Forms

Capture leads effortlessly with unlimited signup forms.

Unlimited Image Storage

Conveniently store and access your email assets.

Unsubscribe Handling

Effectively manage unsubscribes to maintain a clean mailing list.

Works with Facebook, Etsy & More

Seamlessly integrate your email marketing with popular platforms.

Automated Welcome Email

Welcome new subscribers automatically.

Converts Blog Posts to Email

Repurpose blog content for engaging emails.

Unsubscribe Options

Offer subscribers personalised email preferences.

Hot Leads List

Identify and prioritise leads for targeted campaigns.

Reasons to Choose Email Marketing Up and Running

Ideal for Existing Clients

Perfect for businesses with an established client base.

Efficient Communication

Maintain regular contact with your audience.

Email Marketing Up and Running

Already have clients? This plan’s for you.
  • Up to 2,500 Contacts
  • Add more anytime
  • Send up to 25,000 Emails/Month
  • Unlimited Signup Forms
  • Unlimited Image Storage
  • Unsubscribe Handling
  • Works with Facebook, Etsy & More
  • Automated Welcome Email
  • Converts Blog Posts to Email
  • Unsubscribe Options
  • Hot Leads List
€37.99 / per month

Email Marketing Beginner For Anyone Getting Started with Email Marketing

Why Opt for Email Marketing Beginner?

Up to 500 Contacts

Begin your email marketing journey with a manageable audience.

Add More Contacts Anytime

Scale your reach as you grow.

Send up to 5,000 Emails/Month

Initiate your email campaigns with a generous monthly limit.

Single Signup Form

Start with a straightforward signup form.

Basic Image Storage

Store essential images for your emails.

Unsubscribe Handling

Manage unsubscribes to maintain list integrity.

Works with Facebook, Etsy & More

Integrate with popular platforms.

Reasons to Choose Email Marketing Beginner

Perfect for Beginners

An excellent choice for those new to email marketing.

Affordable Start

Get started with email marketing without breaking the bank.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer, a business owner looking to engage clients, or just getting started with email marketing, Domain Eggs has the right plan for you. Start your email marketing journey with us today.

Email Marketing Beginner

For anyone getting started with email marketing.
  • Up to 500 Contacts
  • Add more anytime
  • Send up to 5,000 Emails/Month
  • Single Signup Form
  • Basic Image Storage
  • Unsubscribe Handling
  • Works with Facebook, Etsy & More
€15.99 / per month
Email Marketing Beginner by domain eggs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is email marketing, and why is it essential for businesses?

Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to a group of recipients to promote products, services, or engage with an audience. It’s essential for businesses because it allows direct communication with potential and existing customers.

What are the benefits of using Email Marketing Pro?

Email Marketing Pro offers comprehensive features for savvy marketers, including scalability, automation, and the ability to reach a larger audience. It’s ideal for businesses with growing mailing lists.

Who should consider Email Marketing Up and Running?

Email Marketing Up and Running is suitable for businesses with an established client base looking to maintain regular communication. It’s designed for efficiency and effective outreach.

Why choose Email Marketing Beginner?

Email Marketing Beginner is perfect for newcomers to email marketing. It offers an affordable way to start building and engaging with your email list.

Can I upgrade my email marketing plan as my business grows?

Yes, all our email marketing plans allow you to add more contacts as your business expands. You can easily upgrade to a plan that suits your growing needs.

Is email marketing compatible with other platforms like Facebook and Etsy?

Yes, our email marketing solutions work seamlessly with popular platforms like Facebook and Etsy, allowing you to integrate your marketing efforts effectively.

What is unsubscribe handling, and why is it important?

Unsubscribe handling ensures that recipients who no longer wish to receive emails from your list can easily opt out. It helps maintain a clean and engaged email list.